Matchmade Version 1.3 Now Available For Windows

Giant Update Today!

Huge thanks to all the testers that are making this game better. We're working on it every day. Here are the new things that have been implemented:

  • Title Colors: Titles for characters with specific roles are now displayed in a different color.
  • Player Name: All instances of "Evans" are now replaced with "Player".
  • Intro Pop-up: A pop-up message now appears at the beginning: "Take your time to read every screen. Trust us, you're going to want to hear it. Just make sure to click the screen when you're ready to go."
  • Audio:

    • Music Volume: Music volume has been significantly reduced to approximately 5% of its original level. It still needs to be reduced more, so please go into your settings, turn your music down and your voice and effects up. 

    Character Introduction:

    • Host Jules: Jules' introduction now reads: "Hi, I'm Jules—and I'm going to be the host for this journey, Player!"

    Character Order:

    • Love Interest Order: When all three love interests appear together, their order is now Leon, Marcus, then Jake.

    Gameplay Mechanics:

    • Intimacy Points (Jake's Route): The prompt for continuing with Jake in his cabin scene has been changed to "Do you want to go further? You need to spend more points to do that."
    • Bug Fix (Jake's Cabin Scene): The bug sending the player on an infinite cupcake route in Jake's cabin scene has been fixed.
    • Bug Fix (Eyes and Eyebrows): The bug where choosing eyes would crash the game has been fixed


    • The background for the main event has been changed to be more appropriate

    Please note that the changes have only been update on the Windows version of the game. They'll come to the Android version of the game soon. 

    Please let us know if anything else needs to be changed! 

    Files 233 MB
    86 days ago

    Get Matchmade: Swipe, Set, Match!

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